Komponentoversigt for underside
This is a subpage w. navigation. For the main content of this page, you can use a special selection of components. These are presented below. Below the main content, you can use the regular set of components.
Tabel styling
Insert a table in the text editor. Make sure to set borders, cell-padding and cell-spacing to 0, to ensure the right look.
This is just a link, ignore me.
Headline for row | Headline for row |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur |
Adipiscing elit. | Adipiscing elit. |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur |
Adipiscing elit. | Adipiscing elit. |

This is a simple image. It just shows an image, with the possibility of image text below.
Embed component
This is the embed component. Use it to embed stuff from other websites.
Youtube Video
Use this component to display a video from Youtube.